James Blevin

James Blevin

   WHY TOURISM TO AFRICA IS SO IMPORTANT  "No one will protect what they don't care about, and no one will care about what they have never experienced." - David Attenborough  The fundamental predicament of wilderness areas in Africa, in gene


"No one will protect what they don't care about, and no one will care about what they have never experienced." - David Attenborough

The fundamental predicament of wilderness areas in Africa, in general, is that they are constantly competing with other economic threats to that land. Be it mining, agriculture, logging or population encroachment, the threats are persistent and disconcerting. But all shall be well so long as the animals and their habitats have economic value, and that value is tourism. If we can keep sending people to some of these natural wonders of the world and world heritage sites, then the operators and lodges in those areas will have the resources to ensure that anti-poaching, and conservation in general, remain on the agenda, they will have the energy to advocate with governments and they will have the will to carry on in a sometimes complex political environment. That is how you can be involved in conservation in Africa; by merely visiting. All we have sought to do here at Diwa Zambezi is to provide you with a mechanism that ensures that your holiday dollars are reinvested into the conservation of the areas you have just enjoyed. Increasingly, there are many other eco-tour providers who now make this claim but we have made it simple for you through the Diwa Zambezi Conservation Fund - a charity federally registered in Australia. There is no commercial gain to be had and we believe that is what will give you faith in us and what we are doing. And so if you ever speak with one of those people who has no desire to travel to Africa, please ask that person what ‘e’ stands for in the alphabet and whether they’d like it replaced with extinction.