Camp the Okavango Delta

Camp the Okavango Delta

ancient migration routes, desert to delta and the quintessential safari destination

“Nowhere in Africa have I felt such a closeness to the wild dramas that are Botswana's daily stock. I love listening to lions roar just beyond the circle of my campfire light. I love the contrast of desert and delta, the endless horizons of the salt pans, the sense of a delta world in motion that is never the same from one year to the next, and the sense that here in Botswana, the world of wilderness, wildlife and wild places survives intact.” – Anthony Ham

One of the very few countries in Africa that requires no introduction. If you've never been to Africa yourself but have friends and relatives who have, it's likely that they will have told you of Botswana. A bit of an anomaly in Africa, Botswana is politically stable and its leaders are ardently committed to the preservation and protection of its most pre-eminent natural resource; wildlife. That commitment has manifested itself in a couple of ways, the first of which is unspoiled habitat punctuated with myriad wildlife spectacles encompassing a vast range of species. Botswana's landscape is also extremely varied. From the aridness of the Central Kalahari and Makgadikgadi Pans to the wetlands of the Okavango Delta and Moremi Game Reserve, to the floodplains of the Chobe in the North, you will undoubtedly be stunned by what you encounter.


Day 1&2 - You begin your fully serviced mobile camping safari in Chobe National Park, one of the great wildlife destinations in Africa. Famed for its enormous elephant herds, the park itself is massive in scale and the size of a small country. This size has facilitated the preservation of ancient migration routes and you'll feel as though this place hasn't changed in thousands of years.

Day 3&4 - Your next stop will be Savuti in in the southwestern corner of Chobe National Park. Enjoy the rich wildlife of the Savuti marshes and the annual migration of zebra. Other attractions include 4000-year-old San Bushmen rock paintings on Gobabis Hill, also a well known leopard haunt. Savuti will definitely have you captivated as you absorb the distinctive vistas and vast expanses of land before you enter the Delta.

Day 5&6 - Time for the famed Okavango Delta. Your days will be nothing less than brimming with excitement as you encounter elephant, lion, buffalo, wild dog, leopard and hyena to name a few. Furthermore, boredom will surely not set in as you will have a number of activities for your selection including fishing, mokoro trips, stargazing and private boat cruises.

Day 7&8 - Wrap it all up in style as you enjoy the luxury of either Xudum Okavango Delta Lodge or Xaranna Camp, both situated in the raw heart of this breathtaking water wilderness. Situated on a private Delta island, Xaranna will constantly remind you of why you came to Africa, while at Xudum you can end your safari in style on horseback if you so choose.